Wednesday, February 5, 2020


EPISODE #1:  Welcome to Top Model Prep.                                35   Girls to Start.
HOST:  Tyra Bank.
MENTOR:  Jay Manuel, Photoshoot Director.
                    Miss J. Alexander, Runway Expert.
JUDGES:  Nigel Barker,
                  Miss J. Alexander
                  Pauline Porizkova, new judge.

PRIZES:  A Contract with Elite Models,
                 6-page Spread in Seventeen magazine & a Cover page.
                  $100,000 Contract with Cover Girls.

The Girls arrived by School bus to the hotel.

PLAYERS   (35)
1.  MARGUERITE   19                                                                                    Cincinnati, OHO
2.  MARVITA        23             previous players from S-9                                San Francisco, CA
3.  AMY                20                                                                                       Bartlesville, OK.
4.  WHITNEY       20                                                                                       Atlantic Beach, FL.
5.  JENNIFER       24                                                                                       Orlando, FL.
6.  SHAYA             18       relative to Muhammad Ali                                    Country Club Hills, ILL.
7.  KATARZYNA  22       born in Poland & goes to Cornell                         Roslyn, NY
8.  CLAIRE           24         a mother of baby                                                  New York City, NY
9.  LAUREN         22        very weird girl                                                       Brooklyn, NY
10.  ALLISON      18        another known it all girl                                        Waunakee, WI
11.  JENA
12.  KRISTEN     18                                                                                        Portage, MI
13.  FATIMA        21    born in Somalia & NYU student                                Boston, MASS.
14.  DOMINIQUE  23                                                                                     Columbus, OHIO
15.  KIMBERLY   20                                                                                       Worcester, MASS.
16.  SHALYNDA  23     this is her 8th time auditioning                                  Washington, DC.
17.  ATALYA         18                                                                                        Brooklyn, NY
18  STACY-ANN  22              married                                                            Miami, FL.
19.  ANYA  18                                                                                                  Honolulu, HAWAII
20.  AIMEE  18               an ex-mormon                                                          Spanaway,  WA.
21.  JENNA    20                                                                                               Boston, MASS.
And 14 unidentified girls

 by a school bus.(the theme is going to school)  They changed into a school uniform, had they school picture taken.  Then they were lead into a classroom where Miss J gave them the first runway walk lesson.  Then to the football field when a bonfire was.  Then they were narrow down to 17:
Whitney, Jennifer, Anya, Jenna, Katarzyna, Kimberly, Marvita, Kristen, Aimee, Amy, Stacy-Ann, Claire, Fatima, Lauren, Atalya, Allison & Dominique.
Then Tyra & Miss J & Jay narrow it down to Final 14:  Commencement Ceremony
- Allison, Fatima, Katarzyna, Kimberly, Stacy-Ann, Amy, Aimee, Claire, Whitney, Marvita, Laure, Atalya, Anya & Dominique.
Now, they are going back to NEW YORK CITY.
EPISODE #2:  New York, Here we Come.                                                 14  to Start.
ARRIVED AT:  A Restaurant in the City.
- Amy changed her named to Amis.
- A Messenger came in:  with directions to their new home.
- No Smoking again.

NEXT DAY:  Both J came to the house.                     RUNWAY SHOW.
- Both J. took them on tour of the city in a trolley.  Ended up in Times Square for a runway show.
DESIGNERS:  Mark Badley & James Mischka.

ARRIVED AT:  Elite Model Mgmt.                          LESSON
- Neal Hamil, Director of Elite.
- Paulina Porizkova, Supermodel.
Paulina did started to critique all the girls.

ARRIVED AT:    Building 100                                    PHOTOSHOOT
- Jay Manuel was there.
- About homeless youth.  They will be dresses as homeless & the homeless girls will be in high fashion.
- Reciprocity Foundation, Taz Tagore.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Sarah McColgan.

- Kim does not like being a model, so she QUIT.                                    13 left.
SAFE:  Anya, Claire, Whitney, Lauren, Aimee, Fatima, Marvita, Katarzyna, Stacy-Ann , Dominique, & Allison,
BOTTOM 2:  Atalya & Amis.

EPISODE #3:  Top Model Makeovers.                                                          12 left.
START OFF:  in the models' loft.  Complaining about what just happened.  Then the doorbells rings - leaves pocketbookApple Bottom Jeans.
filled with clothes &

ARRIVED AT:  (next day)  Walmart  at 5:00 am.                                 CHALLENGE
- Brent Poer & Molly Stern, Rep. of Cover Girls Cosmetics.
CHALLENGE:  Makeup Challenge.:  have 5 minutes to create fresh, clean, natural look.
WINNER:  Claire.  PRIZE:  Her picture will appear on

ARRIVED AT:  Stephen Knoll Beauty Salon.               MAKEOVERS.
- Both J. was there.  Then Tyra arrived.  Announced the makeovers BUT they will not know what they are getting until it is done.

ARRIVED AT:  The Docks.                                 PHOTOSHOOT.
-  will be aboard the ship Cloud Nine  near the Brooklyn Bridge as a backdrop.
- shoot about Ella MacPherson Intimates.

GUEST JUDGE:  GEorge Holz.
SAFE:  Lauren, Marvito, Aimee, Claire, Stacy-Ann, Fatima, Anya, Whitney, Katarzyna, & Amis.
BOTTOM 2:  Dominique & Allison.
ELIMINATED:  Allison - not being very appreciated & not knowing how to say Thank-you.

EPISODE #4:  Where's the Beef?                                                                              11 left.
ARRIVED AT:  Fire Station Engine #5   
- Miss J comes down the fire pole.
-  Teached them how to Firehouse Runway.
- Do a quick change to practice what might takes places during a real fashion show. in 90 seconds.

ARRIVED AT:  A Church.   
- Bryan Bradley, Designer of Tuleh.
- CHALLENGE:  Walking in Tuleh fashion Show.  Quick changing test skill to change in 3 minutes to keep the show flowing.
- Ann Shoket, of Seventeen magazine & Jaslene Winner.
PRIZE:  Katarzyna.  Can pick 2 friends - Amis & Marvita.  Photoshoot with Jaslene - Lot 29.

ARRIVED AT:  The Meat District. 
- Jay Manuel was there.
- Their wardrobe will be meat.

GUEST JUDGE:  Trevor O'Shana.
SAFE:  Anya, Whitney, Katarzyna, Claire, Dominique, Stacy-Ann, Laure, Marvita & Aimee.
BOTTOM 2:  Fatima & Amis.
ELIMINATED:  Amis. -  not taking it serious.

EPISODE #5:  Top Model Takes it to the Street.                                         10 left.
STARTING OFF:  At the Loft After the Judging.  They were complaining about what the judges said.

ARRIVED AT:  ( next day)  Old Building in Brooklyn
- Benny Ninja was there
- Vendela, Supermodel.
- Teaching them about the 3 C's:  Commercial, Couture, & Catalog.

ARRIVED AT:  5 Points in Brooklyn.                                      CHALLENGE
CHALLENGE:  Battle against each other in posing
TEAM A:  Lauren, Dominique, Aimee, Anya, & Fatima.
TEAM B:  Whitney, Stacy-Ann, Claire, Katarzyna, & Martiva
PRIZE:  win a chance to get stuff from Swag Tent.
WINNER:  Team B- & MVP - Claire wins - trip to Bora Bora.

ARRIVED AT:  ???????????????????/                                  PHOTOSHOOT
- Jay Manuel was there.
- Stripping away all the elements & will be splatter with paint.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Peter Buckingham.

GUEST JUDGE:  Vendela.
SAFE:  Stacy-Ann, Dominique, Claire, Anya, Lauren, Aimee, Katarzyna, & Fatima.
BOTTOM 2:  Martiva & Whitney.
ELIMINATED:  Martiva  -to the judges she doesn't seem to want it.

EPISODE #6:  House of Pain.                                                                           9 left.
START OFF:  In the limo headed home.   Then Dominique started fighting with Claire, Lauren & Whitney.

ARRIVED AT:  (next night)  First Tyra surprise them as their driver - Trisha Brown Studio   Dance.
- Told to go upstairs & get dressed.                                 LESSON.
- Tyra Teaches them how to walk & pose, also to pose with pain.      CHALLENGE
-   CHALLENGE: They don't know BUT this is also, the challenge.  The best poses will win.
PRIZE:  A Photoshoot with Nigel Barker.  WINNER:  Anya.  Go on the Photoshoot the next day & poses Nude.

ARRIVED AT:  Williamsburg, Brooklyn.                          PHOTOSHOOT
- Jay Manuel is there.
- Embody a specific style of music.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Mr. Russell James.

GUEST JUDGE:  Russell James.
SAFE:  Whitney, Katarzyna, Fatima, Lauren, Anya, Dominique & Stacy-Ann.
BOTTOM 2:  Claire & Aimee.
ELIMINATED:  Aimee - cause of her religion she didn't know much of music.  Naive.

EPISODE #7:  If You Can't Make it Here, You Can't Make it Anywhere.                                  8 left.
START OFF:  In the Loft after Judging.

ARRIVED AT:  (next day)   Elite                                  GO-SEE'S & CHALLENGE
- Karen Lee, Director of Scouting of Elite.  with Kristy Hinze, model.
CHALLENGE:  going on Go-See's in two groups of 4 & can ONLY walk to them.
TEAM 1:  Claire, Dominique, Stacy-Ann & Whitney.
TEAM 2:  Lauren, Anya, Katarzyna, & Fatima.
- Going to see:  Pamela Roland & Shoshanna Gruss.  Last:  Stacey Bendet of Alice + Olivia.
WINNER:  Team #1 & Stacy-Ann was the Best.  PRIZE:  a Photoshoot in Seventeen magazine.

ARRIVE AT:  Fuerzabruta, an off Broadway play.                   PHOTOSHOOT.
- Jay Manuel was there walking a moving floor.
- Stripping away all their makeup & hair.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Mike Rosenthal.

SAFE:  Fatima, Anya, Katarzyna, Whitney, Stacy-Ann, & Dominique.
BOTTOM 2:  Claire & Lauren.

EPISODE #8:  Top Model 10 Confidential.                                  7 left.

EPISODE #9:  For Those About to Walk, We Salute You.          Still 7 left.
START AT:  The Girls Loft.
- NEXT DAY:  Fatima explain her travel situation - no papers to travel overseas.
- NEXT DAY:  Paulina come to the loft.           LESSON.
   Teaches them how to be the best or showcase yourself in public.
Lauren injury herself by cutting her thumb off little bit by cutting an onion.

ARRIVED AT:  The Heart Building to a Jay Godfrey Party.    CHALLENGE
CHALLENGE:  how the girls can mingle & market themself.
WINNER:  Anya.  PRIZE:  Live the life of a supermodel + $10,000 check.

ARRIVED AT:  A Small Airport.                      PHOTOSHOOT.
- Jay Manuel was there.       (It was windy & cold)
- About a group shot getting on a plane & how to shine thru.
- Fatima had an appointment to get her travel paper & missed the photoshoot.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Bill Heuberger.

JUDGES TABLE:  Right after the shoot
GUEST JUDGE:  Jay Manuel.
SAFE:  Anya, Lauren, Dominique, Katarzyna, & Whitney.
BOTTOM 2:  Stacy-Ann & Fatima.
ELIMINATED:  Stacy-Ann - the judges think she too fake & over act.


EPISODE #10:  Viva Italia!                                                                                      6 left.\
ARRIVED AT:  Rome, Italy - took tour bus around the city before receiving Tyra Mail about their new home.
- Fatima is not feeling well.

ARRIVED AT:  (next day)  Piazza -                                   LESSON
- They take another tour of the city on Segways
Fashion Tour.
- Claudio Bassini, Asst. Designer for Gai Mattiolo.
- Teaches them What Italian Model wear & why it works.

ARRIVED AT:  Piazza Di Spagna - End of Tour.             CHALLENGE.
CHALLENGE:  Meet Gai Mattiolo.  Must impress him with your ability to adopt the Italian style.
WINNER:  Anya.  PRIZE:  Red Carpet Dress.

ARRIVED AT:  ?????????                                                    PHOTOSHOOT  & COMMERCIAL
- Jay Manuel & Brent Poer, Rep. for Cover Girls.
- For Cover Girls Queen Collection.
DIRECTOR:  Piersandro Buzzanca.

GUEST JUDGE:  Piersandro Buzzanca.
SAFE:  Fatima, Katarzyna, Anya & Dominique.
BOTTOM 2:  Lauren & Whitney.
ELIMINATED:  Lauren - never got out of shyness & she gave up.

EPISODE #11:  We are Spartans.                                                                          5 left.
START OFF:  In the House after the judging.

ARRIVED AT:  ( next day)  Ancient Ruins.                      LESSONS.
- Alex Mariotti, Fighting Instructor.
- Teaching them to fight like Roman fighters BUT remand their composures, elegances & be tough.
- Now, change into their wardrobe for their CHALLENGE.
CHALLENGE:  Photoshoot & Challenge together - pose with only 5 frames of what you just learned.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Marianna Bertagnolli.
WINNER:  Whitney.  PRIZE:  $1,000.00 euro = $1,556. to shop.  Can pick a friend or keep it for herself.  Pick Anya.

ARRIVED AT:  Castello di Torre                                        PHOTOSHOOT
- Jay Manuel was there.
- Going to be Renaissance Woman.

SAFE:  Fatima, Dominique, & Anya.
BOTTOM 2:  Whitney & Katarzyna.

EPISODE #12:  Ready For My Close-Up.                                                     4 left.
START OFF:  The Group Bus taking them back to the house after the judging.
              FINAL FOUR:  Whitney, Fatima, Anya & Dominique.

ARRIVED AT:  In a Park.                                         LESSON
- Paulina was there.
- PHOTOGRAPHER:  Frances Licata.
- Teaches them how to take picture & some fundamental of the camera, composition & lighting.

CHALLENGE:  Shoot a real model, Paulina, in 5 minutes.  Judging on:  how well you work & how greet your photo turn out.
JUDGE:  Ann Shoket.
PRIZE:  50 extra frame in next photoshoot.  WINNER:  Fatima.

ARRIVED AT:  ???????????????                                        PHOTOSHOOT
- Jay Manuel was there.
- Styled like Movie Stars from the 50's with a sexy male on your arm being stalked by the paparazzo.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Nigel Barker.

GUEST JUDGE:  Ann Shoket.
SAFE:  Anya & Whitney
BOTTOM 2:  Fatima & Dominique.
ELIMINATED:  Dominique.

EPISODE #13:  And the Winner Is....                                                  3 left.
START OFF:  Walking back to their house after the judging.
- Tyra Mail arrives gives the girls the script to the Cover Girl commercial.

ARRIVED AT:  In Front of the Colosseum.
- Jay & Brent was there.  Also, S-9 Winner - Saleisha was there.
- To the Print Ad.

SAFE:  Anya.
BOTTOM 2:  Whitney & Fatima.
ELIMINATED:  Fatima - never listen to instructions given to her.
                  THE FINAL TWO:  Whitney & Anya.
NEXT DAY:  Shoot the Cover for Seventeen magazine.
- Ann Shoket.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Nigel Barker.

THE RUNWAY SHOW: VERSACE SHOW:  Imperial Roman Set with Saleisha leading off the show with males models.

               THE WINNER IS:  WHITNEY
                   (first time full figure girl won)



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