Friday, December 6, 2019


EPISODE #1:  The Girl Wants kit So Bad.
HOST:  Tyra Banks
JUDGES:  Janice Dickinson, First Supermodel.
                  Kimora Lee-Simmons, Owner of Baby Phat.
                  Beau Quillian, Fashion Editor of Marie Claire.

PRIZES:  Contract with Revlon,
                 Fashion spread in Marie Claire,
                 Contract with Modeling Agency Wilhelmine.

ARRIVED IN:  Mondrian Hotel, Los Angels, CA.

1.  ADRIANNE                                                                                          Joliet, ILL.
2.  TESSA                                                                                                  Chicago, ILL.
3.  KATIE                                                                                                  Glenview, ILL.
4.  EBONY H.                                                                                           Harlem, NY.
5.  ROBBYNE                                                                                          ----------
6.  GISELLE                                                                                            Corona, CA
7.  ELYSE                                                                                        Albuquerque, NEW MEXICO
8.  SHANNON                                                                                       Franklin, OHIO
9.  KESSE                                                                                              North Little Rock, ARK.
10.  NICOLE                                                                                         Murrieta, CA.
11.  CHRISTINA                                                                                   Little Falls, MINN.
12.  JUSTINE                                                                                        Huntington, CA
13.  NATALIE                                                                                        Riverside, CA.
14.  HEATHER                                                                                      Galloway, OHIO
15.  ROBIN                                    an Delta Sigma Theta                      Memphis, TENN.
16.  APRIL                                                                                             San Diego, CA
17.  EBONY                                                                                           Cumberland, MD
18.  SHAWNA                                                                                        Los Angeles, CA.
19.  NICOLE   studying to be a lawyer                                                  Chapel Hill, NC.
20.  LENORA                                                                                         New York City, NY
21.  JAKAI                                                                                             Philadelphia, PA.

MY PICK IS :  Kesse.

DAY 1:  Auditions  getting down to 10 whom going to New York.
DAY 2:  Auditions continued.
- The Finalists are picked:  Nicole from Murrieta, GA., Robin, Kesse, Elyse, Katie, Ebony from Harlem, Adrianne & Shannon.  (could only decided on 8)
-  ARRIVED IN:  New York City staying at Flatotel.

Robin, Shannon & Kesse are Christians.
Tyra introduced 2 more girls:  Tessa & Giselle.

- Robin, Ebony, Kesse & Shannon are late.  The others do not wait for them.
- Swimwear in 8 degrees on a cold winter rooftop.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Douglas Bizarro.

GUEST JUDGE:  Douglas Bizarro.
SAFE:  Ebony, Elyse, Kesse, Adrianne, Katie, Nicole, Giselle & Robin.
BOTTOM 2:  Tessa & Shannon

EPISODE #2:  The Girls Is Here to Win, Not Make Friends.
EXTREME RUNWAY CHALLENGE:  first lessons  runway walking by:
TRAINER:  J. Alexander.
- Mock Fashion Show
- Reward a nite on town with Wyclef Jean.
- WINNER:  Giselle.  Cannpicke 3:  Nicole, Adrianne & Katie.

Ebony & Robin are fight over religion.  Then Robin forced the girl to have a pray session.

SECOND PHOTO SHOOT:  with Stuff magazine, a men's magazine.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Barry Hollywood.

GUEST JUDGE:  J. Alexander, Runway Trainer.
- Had the girls show them how walk on a runway  & remove a coat.
SAFE:  Shannon, Nicole, Giselle, Robin, Adrianne, Ebony & Elyse.
BOTTOM 2:  Kesse & Katie.

EPISODE #3:  The Girls Gets Rushed to the Emergency Room.              8 left.
- Nicole is stuck on her boyfriend.  She so in love with with him that she getting up her career for him
- Adrianne needs help with her speaking.
- Elyse can't stand her house mates.

BEAUTY MAKE- OVER:   LePine Salon  most of the girls can not stand their make-over. 
- Nicole, Robin, Giselle, Ebony are not happy.

TODAY LESSON:  Going to be about establishing a look for yourself.

CHALLENGE:  Day from Night.  Make-Up Challenge. PRIZE:  go to the Indian Consulate & meet people in the business.
- WINNER:  Elyse - get to pick 3 friends - Nicole, Adrianne & Robin.  Nicole did not want to go - want to call her boyfriend.

ANOTHER WAKE-UP BY:  Jon Silverman, personal trainer.  Again, Robin, the diva, was late.

- working with  snakes.

Arianne is sick with food poison.  Rush to the hospital.

GUEST JUDGE:  Jay Manuel.
- The Test:  Put make-up on themselves.
SAFE:  Shannon, Kesse, Elyse, Giselle, Adrianne, & Robin.
BOTTOM 2:  Ebony & Nicole.
ELIMINATED:  Nicole - judges feel she does not want it which is true.

EPISODE #4:  The Girl Drives Everyone Crazy.    7 left.
- AGAIN, Jon S. the trainer wake -up the girl & told them to be ready in 1/2 hr.

- Ebony put too much grease on herself.

NEXT LESSON:  Acting School.  Alice Spivak, Acting Coach.
.  Punishment:  Clean the house.
- WINNER: Robin get to pick Shannon & Kesse.
- Giselle refuse to clean the house.

Ebony asked the girls if she could invite her girlfriend over.  (I feel this wrong when the other girls can not invited their boyfriends over.  Not fair)

NEXT PHOTO SHOT:  Commercial for contact lenses.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Loren Haynes, Commercial Director.

GUEST TABLE:  Loren Haynes.
- Test:  Cold Reading.
SAFE:  Kesse, Elyse, Adrianne, Robin, Shannon.
BOTTOM 2:  Ebony & Giselle.
ELIMINATED:  Ebony.  comes off as too hard.

EPISODE #5:  The Girl Who Everyone Thinks is Killing Herself.                              6 left.
- Giselle has no confidence in herself & loves people to give her compliments.
- Elyse eating is talked about- everyone thinks she has eating habit.  And she is talking about everyone.

NEXT TRAINING:  How to Conduct an Interview.
Candi Berger, Publicist.
PUBLICITY CHALLENGE:  Working with the Press.
- Steve Santagati,  Journalist.
- Conduct a mock interview while horse carriage ride around central park.
WINNER:  Elyse - she was real & did everything that was wrong.  PRIZE:  a love one flown in & she gets to pick one other girl.  She picked Adrianne.

NEXT MORNING:  Jon Silverman, the physical trainer woke them out.  Going for a swim.

NEXT PHOTO SHOOT:  Pier 59 Studios for Reebok .
- Working on Movement or "Model Dancing"
- PHOTOGRAPHER:  Daniel Garriga.

GUEST JUDGE:  Steve Santagati.
SAFE:  Adrianne, Kesse, Shannon, Robin.
BOTTOM 2:  Giselle & Elyse.
ELIMINATED:  Giselle - Tyra didn't like her fishing for com;iment & lack of confidence.

EPISODE #6:  The Girl Deals with a Pervert.                                     5 left.
NEXT TASK:  Learn how to do Go See.  Go to WILHELMINA STUDIOS.
- Pink, Director of Women's Division.
- Send them to Paris to do their Go See.  Told to bag only 1 bag ( a carry-on).
ARRIVED:  in Paris.  Staying at Hotel Des Deux Acacias., which is walk up & small room.

NEXT PHOTO SHOOT:  at the Hilton - Paris for WonderBra.
- PHOTOGRAPHER - Michael Haddi.
- Male Model - Brad Pinkert.  Shannon is in love with him.

NEXT DAY:  Visit Marilyn Agency
- Marilyn Gauthier, Owner of Marilyn Agency.
- told to go 5 Go See & be back by 5pm & must go by Metro alone.
- Robin cheated - got someone to tag alone & direct her.
- Kesse wasted her time by shopping.

GUEST JUDGE:  Marilyn Gauthier.
- Result of Go Sees:  Elyse made all 5,          Shannon - 4,     Adrianne - 3    Keese - 3  Robin - 5
SAFE:  Elyse, Shannon & Robin/
BOTTOM 2:  Kesse & Adrianne.

EPISODE #7:  The Girls Who Get Really Naked.   4 left.
- Kesse is Delta, too.

NEXT TASK:  Visit to the House of Carven, the oldest couture house in paris.
- Pascal Millet, Creative Director  of Carven Paris.

NEXT DAY:  Free time which cause a an argument. Robin ONLY to her thing & not go with Adrianne.  So, the girls went in 2 pairs Robin & Shannon went shopping  and Adrianne & Elsye went to look for jim Morrison's grave.

NEXT CHALLENGE:  The girls had dressed up in Couture Dresses & go out with 4 gentlemen & act like ladies.  (Robin read her Bible almost the whole time)
WINNER:  Adrianne - PRIZE:  overnite in a Presidential Suite.  She picked Elsye.

NEXT TASK:  Advertisement for Diamonds.Will have to posed NUDE.
PHOTOGRAPHER - Patrick Katzman.
- Shannon & Robin did't do it.

The girls were cramp into one room like new model are used to.

GUEST JUDGE:  Derek Khan.
- Tested on what they learned about Couture Gowns.
SAFE:  Elyse & Adrienne.
BOTTOM 2:  Robin & Shannon.
ELIMINATED:  Robin - they could not stand how phoney she is.

EPISODE #8:  How the Got Here.
- REcap of all episodes.

EPISODE #9:  The Girl Becomes America's Next Model.                    3 left.
- Shannon is acting more fun since she DOES NOT  have to report to Robin.
NEXT TASK:  Learn all about New York City Fashion Week.
- Drew Linehan, Fashion Show producer.
- casting in a BABY PHAT SHOW.
- Kimora Lee Simmonds.

GUEST JUDGE:  Drew Linehan.
SAFE:  only Shannon.
BOTTOM 2:  Adrianne & Elyse.
ELIMINATED:  Elyse.  The judges didn't think she really want to be a model.
                                   PART II                         2 left.
- getting for the Fashion show.
- Dinner with Tyra   to help them relax.
NEXT DAY:  is the Fashion Show.
- Mercedes Benz Fashion Show.  in Bryant Park in Feb.
NEXT DAY:  Their last Judges Table.

                            THE WINNER IS:  ADRIANNE.

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