Monday, December 30, 2019


EPISODE #1: The Girl Who Marks Her Territory.                                     33  girls to Start.
HOST:  Tyra Banks.
JUDGES:  Nigel Barker,
                  Miss J. Alexander,
PRIZES:  A Contract with Elite Model Management,
                Cover with Seventeen magazine,
                6-Page Editorial Spread,
                Contract with Covergirl Cosmetic worth $100,00.

33 Girls arrived in Los Angeles, CA staying at the Belage Hotel  for the auditions.

1.  JAEDA  18                                                                           Parkersburg, IOWA
2.  BECKY  21                                                                          Sierra Village, CA.
3.  EVITA  20                                                                            Gloucester, VA.
4.  CARIDEE  21                                                                       Fargo, ND.
5.  MONIQUE  19                                                                     Chicago, ILL.
6.  A.J.  20             ( low confidence in herself)                        Sacramento, CA.
7.  CHRISTIAN  19                                                                   Columbia, SC.
8.  MELISSA ROSE(Melrose)  23                                            San Francisco, CA.
9.  JASLENE  19                                                                     
10.  MEGG
11.  GINGER  18     ( replician)                                                 Derby, KS.
12.  EUGENA  18                                                                      Palmdale, CA.
13.  BRITTANY  19                                                                   San Rafael, CA.
14.  LEANGELA  21                                                                  Columbus, OHIO
15.  ANCHAL  19             ( an India girl)                                  Homestead, FL.
16.  BROOKE  18                                                                       Keller, Texas
17.  AMANDA 18            ( Twin)                                              Anaheim, CA.
18.  MICHELLE  18              "                                                         "           "
19.  MEGAN  22                                                                        San Francisco, CA.
20.  CYNDEL  20                                                                       Wichita, KS.
     ( and 12 unidentified girls)     

The 33 girls were met by Miss J. at the airport & taken to a parking lot to have pictures taken.  Then to the hotel for the auditions which afterward they would be down sized to 21:
Christian, Amanda, Michelle, Megg, Jaslene, Jaeda, Monique, Caridee, Eugena, Megan, Becky, Brittany, LeAngela, Ginger, Anchal, A,J., Melrose, Evita, Brooke.


Now, down size to final players of 13:
Melrose, Jaeda, Michelle, Eugena, Brooke, Anchal, A.J., Christian, Megg, Megan, Caridee, Amanda & Monique.

MY PREDICTION:  Anchal, Jaeda, & Eugena.
                                                                     PART II

ARRIVED:  Area Cafe.                       CHALLENGE.
- Elmer Ave., Clothing Designers.
CHALLENGE:  Take the clothes off the male model & make the femalize and walk on the runway.
WINNER:  Melrose. PRIZE:  Reveal later.

ARRIVED AT:  The New House where they will be staying.

ARRIVED:  Next Day.  At house in the Hills.  PHOTOSHOOT.
- Controversial models stereotypes.
- Melrose Prize is reveal  now - she get to be a Diva for the day.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Oliver Bronson & Dylan Don.

TEST:  Evaluated the Photoshoot.
SAFE:  Michelle, Caridee, AJ, Megan, Anchal, Megg, Monique, Amanda, Jaeda, Eugena, & Brooke.
BOTTOM 2:  Christian & Melrose.
ELIMINATED:  Christian - only had 1 pose in her photoshoot.

EPISODE #2:  The Girl Who Hates Her Hair.                                           12 Left.
ARRIVED:  At Oliver Restaurant.
- The J.'s are there telling them about makeover.

ARRIVED:  Back at Home.                    BEAUTY MAKE OVERS
- Which their living room turn into Frederic Fekkai Salon.

- The Cry Babies are:  Jaeda, Monique & AJ.

ARRIVED:    Next Day.  at Major Hotel.   CHALLENGE.
- CHALLENGE:  30 seconds to grap items on 3 different floors before the door close.  On the top floor meet an Covergirl executive.  Floor One - Megg didn't make it before the door close & Floor 15 Monique didn't make it.
- Queen Latifah, Covergirl Executive.
WINNER:  Eugena.  Picks 2 friends - Caridee & Jaeda.  PRIZE:  Photoshoot for Covergirl website.

- Monique is this season bitch.

ARRIVED:  Siren Studios.  PHOTOSHOOT. Does the Hair Wear You?
- having to wear over the top hair.

GUEST JUDGE:  Tracy Bayne.
TEST:  Evaluation of Photoshoot.
SAFE:  Melrose, Anchal, Amanda, Michelle, AJ, Caridee, Brooke, Eugena, Monique.
BOTTOM 2:  Jaeda & Megan.

EPISODE #3:  The Girls Who Go to Texas.                                              11 Left.
ARRIVED:  At Night.     Miss J. was there.           LESSON.
- Walking on a tight rope.
- Learning about posture & Balancing.

ARRIVED:  ????????????????      Miss J. again.     CHALLENGE
CHALLENGE:  Walk a straight line on broken slabs of concrete in high heels.
- Bre, from previous season was there to show they how.
WINNER:  AJ.  Picks 2 friends - Megg & Caridee.  PRIZE:  Fly away the next day to Dennis Quaid Charity Fashion Show in Austin, Texas.

ARRIVED:  Back home.
- Monique is "sick" & went to the hospital.

ARRIVED:  at a Ranch.                   PHOTOSHOOT.
- A Fashion Show where the runway is wobbly & over a swimming pool.

GUEST JUDGE:  Mr. Charlie Altuna, Fashion Designer.
TEST:  Show your signature walk & incorporate with an apple basket on your head.
SAFE:  AJ., Jaeda, Brooke, Anchal, Michelle, Melrose, Megg, Amanda & Caridee.
BOTTOM 2:  Eugena & Monique.
ELIMINATED:  Monique - didn't take the photoshoot & Jay sent her home.  ( Finally)

EPISODE #4:  The Girl Who Joined the Circus.                                       10 left.
ARRIVED:                   ????????????????      LESSONS.
- Stacey McKenzie, Model & Judge for Canada Next Model.
- LESSON: On how to Use Your Edgy quirkiness.
- Jonathan Nosan, Contortionist.

- A place card with message Reserved for Special Guest - Twiggy.
 Talking about the chance in posing.

- Melrose is starting to act like the know it all for this seasonShe is getting all the girls nerves.

ARRIVED:  Fashion District.      CHALLENGE.
- CHALLENGE:  Modeling as Art Installations in Extreme Poses.
- Bao Tranchi, Fashion Designer.
WINNER:  Eugena.  PRIZE:  All Jewelry used in the Challenge.  worth $32,000.

ARRIVED:  In the Middle of the Desert.          PHOTOSHOOT.
- Welcome to the Circus.  Jay was there.
- Freak Show Circuses.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Mike Rosenthal.
GUEST:  Atoosa Rubenstein, Editor in Chief for Seventeen magazine.

GUEST JUDGE:  Atoosa Rubenstein.
TEST:  Evaluation of Photoshoot.
SAFE:  Caridee, Eugena, AJ., Melrose, Michelle, Anchal, Amanda & Brooke.
BOTTOM 2:  Jaeda & Megg.

EPISODE #5:  The Girl Who Punk'd Ashton.                    9 left.
ARRIVED:  In Hollywood Somewhere.                          LESSON.
- Mark Steines, Entertainment Tonight. Co-Host.
-  Teaches the girls What Makes a Good Interview.

ARRIVED:  Geoff Thomas Designs.  CHALLENGE.
CHALLENGE:  Work the Red Carpet doing an interview of Janice Dickinson.
WINNER:  Melrose.  PRIZE:  Follow Mark in Real Red Carpet Interview.

ARRIVED:  Tyra arrives in the house .  One -One talks with the girls.  Michelle admits she might be be gay.

ARRIVED:  ??????????????????   Jay is there.  PHOTOSHOOT.
- Pose with yourself ???  Celebrity Couples.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Matthew Jordan Smith.

GUEST JUDGE:  Matthew jordan Smith
TEST:  Practice a Commentary.
SAFE:  Brooke, Melrose, Amanda, Caridee, Michelle, Eugena & Anchal.
BOTTOM 2:  Jaeda & AJ.
ELIMINATED:  AJ   - never got over her fear.

EPISODE #6:  The Girl Who Graduates.                                             8 left.
- Brooke rec'd a package from home.  Her diploma .
ARRIVED:  In their Backyard.                A PHOTOSHOOT
- B & W and Edgy & Angry.

ARRIVED:  Alray Studios.             LESSON.
Dita Von Teese, Burlesque Dancer.
- Teaches about being Sexy & not Sleazy.

ARRIVED:  ????????????????????  CHALLENGE
Cathy Gould, Director of Elite Model Management.
CHALLENGE:  At a private Party a dinning room table will be turn into a runway & the girls will have to be sexy.
WINNER:  Melrose.  Pick 3 friends - Brooke, Amanda & Michelle.  PRIZE:  $10,000 Shopping Spree .

ARRIVED:  ?????????????????  Jay is there.  PHOTOSHOOT.
- Cover of Romance Novels.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Randee St. Nicholas.
- Posing with Fabio, A Model.

GUEST JUDGE:  Cathy Gould.
TEST:  Individual Evaluation.
SAFE:  Amanda, Caridee, Anchal, Melrose, Jaeda & Michelle.
BOTTOM 2:  Brooke & Eugena.
ELIMINATED:  Brooke - on her Graduation Night from High School.

EPISODE #7:  The Girl Who Made it This Far.                         7 left.

EPISODE #8:  The Girl Who Wreaks the Car.                         Still 7 left.
ARRIVED AT:  The Beach.       
Gabrielle Reece, Pro. Athlete & Model.
- Teach them about Action Model.
- Again, Anchal is shy about doing the action in a bikini.

ARRIVED:  In the Desert, Near a Racetrack.              CHALLENGE
- Stanton Barrett, Nascar Driver.
- James St. James, Personal Stylist.
CHALLENGE:  The girls are made with their boyfriend & must attack him.
WINNER:  Michelle.  Picks 3 friends.  Caridee, Amanda & Melrose.  PRIZE:  $10,000 shopping Spree with a twist.  The girls who collect the most items will keep her & the other girls clothes.  Melrose wins.

ARRIVED:  On Air Strip.  Jay was there.  PHOTOSHOOT.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Patrik Giardino.
- For Covergirl Trublend Foundation.
- They will be sexy space sirens reaching for the makeup.

GUEST JUDGE:  Gabrielle Reece.
TEST:  Act out a Verb & Adverb.
SAFE:  CAridee, Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Eugena.
BOTTOM 2:  Michelle & Anchal.
ELIMINATED:  Anchal  - Could not get over shyness  & do not do some of the challenge.

EPISODE #9:  The Girl Who Breaks Down.                                                   6 left.
ARRIVED AT:  Los Angeles Repertory Company.                       LESSON.
Tash Smith, Actress/ Acting Coach.
- Teach them about emotions in acting.

CHALLENGE:  Shoot a silent film.  Tasha calls out emotion & action that they must act out.
WINNER:  Caridee.

ARRIVED:  at the house where the girls view a DVD where the winner of challenge is told.  Also,  Tyra appear & told them they are going to BARCELONA, SPAIN.

ARRIVED:  Spain - where Spanish Male Models takes them to dinner.  One of male model told Jaeda he doesn't like Black Girls.

ARRIVED:  In a Local Park where they meat Tyra & Jay.  PHOTOSHOOT.
- For Secret Deodorant.
- Must speak in their language for the commercial.
Denis Rovira, DIRECTOR.

GUEST JUDGE:  Denis Rovira.
TEST:  Evaluated the Commercial.
SAFE:  Melrose, Eugena, Amanda & Michelle.
BOTTOM 2:  Jaeda & Caridee.
ELIMINATED:  Jaeda -  could not get over having sort hair.

EPISODE #10:  The Girl Who Sticks Her Foot in her Mouth.                     5 left.
- The Girls were bored so they called the male models from previous shoot to meet them for dinner.

ARRIVED:  ????????????????????  LESSON.
- Tyra is there to talk about the harsh side of modeling & the harsh criques.

ARRIVED:  Elite - Barcelona Agency.   CHALLENGE
- Pancho Saula, Director of Elite.
- Arrange for the girls to 10 Go-Sees.
- Judging on:  Appearances, Runway Walk, Personality, Their Book.
- Must be Back by 6pm.
- THOSE THAT MADE IT BY 6PM:  Melrose, Caridee & Eugena.  The Twins were late & DQ.
WINNER:  Melrose Picks Caridee.  PRIZE:  Treated like a super model by having a personal chef
cook dinner.

ARRIVED:  At Monumental Bull Fighting Ring.       PHOTOSHOOT.
- Jay arrived wearing a matador costume.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Nigel Barker.
- Shooting with REAL BULL!
- Caridee said something nasty about Nigel trying to be funny but it was taken that way.

GUEST JUDGE:  Pancho Saula.
TEST:  Tell the judges who had the Best & Lest personality to win.
SAFE:  Eugena , Melrose & Caridee.
BOTTOM 2:    The Twins
ELIMINATED:  Michelle.

EPISODE #11:  The Girl Who Grates.                                    4 left.
           FINAL FOUR:  Eugena, CAridee, Melrose & Amanda.
ARRIVED AT:       A Dance Studio.                   LESSON.
Nanco Blanco, Flamenco Dancer.
- Teaches them how to Flamenco dance.

ARRIVED AT:  Pri Nci Pal  Restaurant.
- For Dinner.
- Miss J.. appeared.  Talked with them.

ARRIVED:  In Some Spanish Garden.              CHALLENGE.
CHALLENGE:  Show what you learned about flamenco dancing with a partner.
WINNER:  Eugena.  Picks:  Amanda. PRIZE:  Present will be at home.
- Eugena get Jacket & Shirt from Designer Custo & Amanda get a jacket.

ARRIVED;  In the Hills.     Jay Manuel is there.  PHOTOSHOOT.  Tyra comes out.
- Will be floating on their back in pairs in a cold swimming pool.
- Caridee & Amanda       and  Melrose & Eugena.

GUEST JUDGE:  David Ruiz.
TEST:  Individual Evaluation.
SAFE:  Melrose & Eugena.
BOTTOM 2:  Amanda & Caride..

EPISODE #12:  The Girl Who Becomes America Next Model.                   3 left.
ARRIVED:  ??????????????????  Some Field.   Jay M. is there.
                TV COMMERCIAL & PRINT AD for Covergirl.
- Covergirl Outlast Double LipShine.

PHOTOGRAPHER:  Jimmy DeYonker.
- Danielle of S-6 Winner whom changed her name to Dani is there.

GUEST JUDGE:  Victorio & Lucchino, Fashion Designers.
TEST:  Individual Evaluation.
SAFE:  Caridee.
BOTTOM 2:  Eugena & Melrose.
ELIMINATED:  Eugena - could NOT EXPRESS how much she want it in person.   (Sad)
                                        PART  II
                Caridee vs.  Melrose.
ARRIVED:   Top Studios / Ocean Day Light
- for one last PHOTOSHOOT.
- for Seventeen Magazine.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  George Holtz.

ARRIVED:  Park G Ell, the place where the Fashion Show will held.
- Will Ghostly Brides.
- The Victoria & Lucchino Fashion Show.
- Danielle will open the show.

GUEST JUDGE:  Jay Manuel.


_Melrose was upset.

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