Saturday, January 4, 2020


EPISODE #1:  The Girl Who Won't Stop Talking.                              32 to Start.
HOST:  Tyra Banks.
JUDGE:  Nigel Barker,
               Miss J Alexander,
               Miss Twiggy.
PRIZES:  1.  Contract with Elite Model Management,
                 2.  Cover & Spread with Cover Girls Cosmetics,
                 3.  $100,000 Contract with "     "          ".

32 Girls Arrived in Los Angeles.  They are taken first to BOOT CAMP by both J's.
- Then Tyra arrived with couple of Phi Beta Sigma Brothers stomping.
- The girls are put through a small boot camp

Then they ARRIVED AT: The Century Plaza Hotel for auditions.

1.  KATHERINE                                                                       Raseda, CA.
2.  KESHIA                                                                              Los Angeles, CA.
3.  KILEY                                                                                Baltimore, MD.
4.  MELISSA  21                                                                     Bronx, NY.
5.  NATASHA  21    (born in Russia)                                      Dallas, TEXAS
6.  JASLENE            (was in S-7)                                           Chicago, ILL.
7.  MICHELINE  21                                                                Atlanta, GA.
8.  JESSICA  20                                                                       Inglewood, CA.
9.  DIANA 21             (Plus Size)                                            Garfield, NJ
10.  HEATHER  18                                                                  Deer Park, TEXAS
11.  RENEE  20                                                                       Maui, HAWAII
12.  JAEL  22   (talk funny)                                                    Detroit, Mi.
13.  SARAH  20                                                                     Lake Zurich, ILL
14.  BETHANY  20                                                               Alice, TEXAS
15.  CHELSEA  18                                                                Richmond, VA.
16.  BRITTANY  21                                                              Savannah, GA
17.  WHITNEY  21  ( goes to Dartmouth & Plus Size)        West Palm Beach, FL.
18.  ANNE
20.  FELICIA  19                                                                    Houston, TEXAS
22.  KATHLEEN  20     ( doesn't know much)                     Brooklyn. NY
23.  GELECIA  22                                                                 Atlanta, GA.
24.  FARRAH  18                                                                  Houston, TEXAS
25.  CASSANDRA  24                                                          Seattle, WA.
26.  SAMANTHA  19                                                            Pinson, ALABAMA
27.  DIONNE  20     (student at Alabama St Univ)               Montgomery, AL
28.  NATALIE  22                                                                 Atlanta, GA.
 ( 4 unidentified)

MY PREDICTION:  Diana, Jaslene, Jael.

- Bethany, Lauren, Kathleen, Sarah, Gelecia, Dionne, Heather, Chelsea, Samantha, Felicia, Brittany, Natasha, Cassandra, Hannah, Melissa, Jaslene, Renee, Diana, Whitney & Jael.
- They are invited to go to a:  MARC ECKO FASHION PARTY.

Natasha, Kathleen, Sarah, Cassandra, Renee, Samantha, Dionne, Whitney, Brittany, Felicia, Jael, Jaslene & Diana.             
                                          PART   II
ARRIVED:  on Hollywood Blvd.
- Then Jay arrives on a motorcycle. He take them to studio where they have their first PHOTOSHOOT. - Different Political View.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Nigel Barker.
- Afterward - went downstair:  the limo was there to take them to the House.

Phillip Bloch, Stylist.
CHALLENGE:  Rummage through the store in 3 minutes & find your personal style.  Then they will a runway for Charity Fashion Show.
- The outfits will be auction off 0 the highest bid win.
WIMMER:  Jael.  PRIZE:  Win the donated check in her name.

TEST:  Individual Evaluation
SAFE:  Jaslene, Brittany, Felicia, Diana, Samantha, Cassandra,  Renee, Sarah,  Dionne, Whitney & Natasha.
BOTTOM 2:  Jael & Kathleen.
ELIMINATED:  Kathleen - she was not very aware of many things.

EPISODE #2:  The Girl Who Goes to Prom.                                                    12 left.
ARRIVED:  At a High School.                      LESSON.
- Miss J arrive with the Marching Band.
- Teaches them about:  Timing, Precision & Choreography.
- Precise Your Walks.
ARRIVED:  in the Gym.                  CHALLENGE.
- Roy Campbell, Fashion Show Producer.
CHALLENGE:  Complete in a LIVE Fashion Show - the is Prom.
- Renee thinks she know it all & Jaslene think she is perfect.
WINNER:  Brittany.  PRIZE:  Trophy.

ARRIVED:  Back at the High School.   PHOTOSHOOT.     Jay M.
- The Awards you get at end of high school.
PHOTOGRAPHER:      unknown.

GUEST JUDGE:  Roy Campbell.
TEST:  Individual Evaluation.
SAFE:  Jaslene, Felicia, Diana, Renee, Brittany, Cassandra, Dionne, Jael, Whitney, & Sarah.
BOTTOM 2:   Natasha & Samantha.
ELIMINATED:  Samantha  - she was too young & naive.

EPISODE #3:  The Girl Who Cries All the Time.                                        11 left.
ARRIVED:  Salon Sessions Studio
                           MAKE OVER
- Brittany is crying all the time over nothing.
- Jael's friend at home passed away from an overdosed.

ARRIVED:  Descanso Gardens Gift Shop & Cafe.               CHALLENGE
Roxanne Floyd, Covergirl Makeup Artist
CHALLENGE:  10 minutes to run around the gardens to create a clean, colorful look using Covergirls Spring Color Collection.
- Cassandra was late & was DQ.
WINNER:  Brittany.  PICS 2 Friends - Jael & Sarah.  PRIZE:  A Photoshoot with Covergirls.

ARRIVED:  At Sirens.                   PHOTOSHOOT
- Jay Manuel was there.
- They are going to be Ice Cream Treat & Candy.

- Also, be Nude.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Joseph Cultice.
- Brittany did not want to do it but she did.

GUEST JUDGE:  Neeko, Hair Stylist.
TEST:  Individual Evaluations
SAFE:  Brittany, Jael, Sarah, Dionne, Felicia, Renee, Whitney, Natasha & Jaslene.
- Jaslene need to control how she think of herself.
BOTTOM 2:  Diana & Cassandra.
ELIMINATED:  Cassandra.

EPISODE #4:  The Girl Who Changed Her Attitude.                                                  10 left.
- Renne still thinks she know everything but she is trying to make amends.

ARRIVED:  In the Street Somewhere.       LESSON
- Benny Ninja, Posing Instructor.
- Teaching them about Voguing & how to pose.

ARRIVED:  Huge Building in downtown Los Angeles. CHALLENGE.
CHALLENGE:  Try to pose while slinking through maze of lasers.
  PRIZE:  $40,000 Angora Diamond Bracelet.
- Renee only one that didn't get a key.
WINNER:  Whitney.

ARRIVED:  Alexandria Hotel.      PHOTOSHOOT.
- go upstairs to the rooftop - Jay M. is there.
- Crime Scene Victims.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Mike Rosenthal.

GUEST JUDGE:  Mike Rosenthal.
SAFE:  Renee, Natasha, Brittany, Whitney, Jaslene, Jael, Diana, Sarah,.
BOTTOM 2:  Felicia & Dionne.

EPISODE #5:  The Girl Who Takes Credit.                          9 left.
ARRIVED:  At Karl                   LESSON
Cathy Gould, Director of Elite Model Management.
-  Teaches them how to Dress.

ARRIVED:     Sears Warehouse.            CHALLENGE.
- "mannequins"  - Lawrence & Gregory Zarian, Male Models.
CHALLENGE:  Create a Fashion look for in-store display in group of 3 in 20 minutes.  Must be on their platform.
- Dionne, Sarah & Renee.               Natasha, Whitney, Jael.                  Jasle, Diana, & Renee.
- Natasha TRY  to tell Whitney to get on the platform but she ignore her. Was DQ
WINNER:  Sarah.  PRIZE:  Re-do her Photoshoot.  Her teammates helped her but they didn't get the credit for it.

ARRIVED:  Siren Studio.             PHOTOSHOOT.
- Will become Male models while the males become females.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Richard Reinsdorf.

GUEST JUDGE:  Cathy Gould.
SAFE:  Natasha, Dionne, Brittany, Jaslene, Sarah, Renee & Jael.
BOTTOM 2:  Whitney & Diana.
ELIMINATED:  Diana - she could not answer Jay when ask if she wanted it.

EPISODE #6:  The Girl Who Gets Thrown into the Pool.                                             8 left.
ARRIVED:  Art of Indian Cuisine.                 LESSON.
- Sign with name Leslie Hornby who is Twiggy.
- Then Melrose arrived S-7.
- Talking about Name Change.
- Whitney became Whitelle.,   Sarah became Moe,  Brittany to Brit, Jaslene & Jael didn't change, Natasha to Nata, Dionne to Wholahay, & Renee to Nayien.

ARRIVED:    Smart Water Party.  On a rooftop with a swimming pool.        CHALLENGE
CHALLENGE:  was invited to party.  Must be:  Eloquent, Don't Monopolize, & humor.
Benny Medina, Tyra's manager.
- CHALLENGE:  Impress Benny Medina.
- Jael got thrown into the pool.
- Winner will be told at Photoshoot.

ARRIVED:  At Pier 59 Studios - West.
                        PHOTOSHOOT                              Jay Manuel.
- 4 different sides of your personality.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Kareem Black.
CHALLENGE WINNER:  Dionne - PICKS 2 - Jaslene & Whitney.  PRIZE:  Photoshoot for Seventeen magazine for Keds Shoes.

Tyra came to the house & has a talk with the girls.

GUEST JUDGE:  Benny Medina.
SAFE:  Jael, Natasha, Dionne, Brittany, Renee,  & Jaslen.
BOTTOM 2:  Sarah & Whitney.

EPISODE #7:  The Girl Who Impress Pedro.                                       7 left.
ARRIVED:  In the House is Christian Marc, the hairstylist.  Taking out Brittany's weave.

ARRIVED:  Los Angeles Theatre.   
- Tia Mowry, Actress.
- Teaches them how to evoke different characters through voice & movement.

ARRIVED:  inside the the theater.  CHALLENGE.
- Efren Ramirez, Actor.
CHALLENGE:  Act out 3 Characters.
WINNER:  Renee.  Pick a friend - Dionne.  PRIZE:  "A-T-Shirt"

BACK HOME:  A knock on the door.  Dionne & Renee's family are there.
- then Natasha started to cry because her baby wasn't there.  She didn't win the challenge.

ARRIVED:  Miauhaus.
- portray infamous characters. for  Payless Shoes.

PHOTOGRAPHER:  Matthew Jordan Smith.
- Jaslene - Bre S-5 in her Granola Bar,  Natasha - Michelle S-4 Flesh eating bacteria,
  Whitney - Shannon S-1 about posing Nude, Jael - Rebecca S-4 flainting,
   Brittany - The Twins S-7 Triplets, Renee - Joanie S-6 The Dentists and
                 Dionne - Kim S-5 the Kiss in the Limo.

GUEST JUDGE: Matthew Jordan Smith
SAFE:  Dionne, Natasha, Brittany, Renee & Jaslene.
BOTTOM 2:  Whitney & Jael.
ELIMINATED:  Whitney - doesn't move in any of her photoshoots- just stand there.

EPISODE #8:   The Girls Who Go Down Under                                          6 left.
ARRIVED:  A Knock on the Door.  April from S-2.                LESSON.
- Prepares them for the kind of interview that they will faced.

ARRIVED:  Somewhere                     CHALLENGE.
- April is back.
CHALLENGE:  They will hit the street with what April taught them & interview people in the streets.
- All of Sudden - Tyra surprised the girls wearing a Kangaroo outfit

ARRIVED:  in Sydney- met by:  Erica Heynatz, Supermodel & tv host.
- Talked to them in Aussie Slang.
CHALLENGE:  Bunch of interview in Aussie Slang.  Subject: American Fashion Faux Pas.
PRIZE:  Will Be a Correspondent on The Tyra Banks Show.  Will announced later.

ARRIVED:  To their apartment.

ARRIVED:  Animal Park in the Outback.                              PHOTOSHOOT.
- Cover Girls Commercial.  Volume Exact Mascara

GUEST JUDGE:  Erika Heynatz
SAFE:  Natasha is winner of challenge, Renee, Jaslene, Dionne.
BOTTOM 2:  Jael & Brittany

EPISODE #9:  The Girl Who Picks a Fight.                                                 5 left.

EPISODE #10:  The Girl Who Blames The Taxi Driver. 
                  Still 5 left.
ARRIVED:  At Priscilla's Model Management.               CHALLENGE
- Priscilla Leighton Clark, Owner.
GO-SEE'S:  1.  Personality, 2.  Book. #.  Runway Walk.
- Be back by 4:30pm.
- LATE:  Natasha & Brittany but Brittany had a temper.
WINNER:  Jaslene.  Friend:  Dionne.  PRIZE:  a Photoshoot at the Sydney Harbor Bridge.
PHOTO:  Nigel Barber.

ARRIVED:  Somewhere at 5:30am                  Jay Manuel.
- 2 photo one for a woman & another for men's magazine.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Tyra  for the woman.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Michael Omm for the man's magazine.

GUEST JUDGE:  Priscilla Leighton Clark.
SAFE:  Jaslene & Natasha & Renee.
BOTTOM 2: Dionne & Brittany.
ELIMINATED:  Brittany - for having temper at the go-sees & no-one wanted to book her.

EPISODE #11:  The Girl Who Does Not Want to Dance.                          4 left.
                       FINAL FOUR:  Natasha, Dionne, Renee & Jaslene.
ARRIVED:  Royal National Park.                  LESSON & CHALLENGE.
- Uncle Max, Aboriginal Elder.
CHALLENGE:  Create your dance using body Art, Movement & Oral Speech to tell your story.   15 minutes.
JUDGE:  Carissa Rosenberg, Entertainment Director of Seventeen Magazine.
- Dionne doesn't want to dance.
WINNER:  Renee.  Friend - Jaslene.  PRIZE:  Special Prize.

ARRIVED:  Back home.
Justin Schwarz, CEO Autore Pearls.

- Renee & Jaslene get their prize.

ARRIVED:  Somewhere in the Outback.

   Jay M.
- Meeting with Ngemba Tribe.
- Act Out your Story.
PHOTOGRAPHER:  Kane Skennar.

GUEST JUDGE:  Carissa Rosenberg.
SAFE:  Renne & Jaslene.
BOTTOM 2:  Dionne & Natasha.
ELIMINATED:  Dionne - could not  being mean in her photos.

EPISODE #12:  The Girl Who Becomes America's Next Top Model.                3 left                   
ARRIVED:  Somewhere ???????          Jay Manuel is there.
                             COVERGIRL DAY.
- Trip Shine Lip Color.
- No script.
- Caridee - Winner of S-7.

GUEST JUDGE:  Sarah Jane Clarke & Heidi Middleton, Fashion Designers.
SAFE:  Jasle.
BOTTOM 2:  Natasha & Renee.
ELIMINATED:  Renee - photo too old.
                            PART II
ARRIVED:  Warehouse Building.
- Carissa Rosenberg.
- PHOTOSHOOT for the Cover of Seventeen Magazine.

ARRIVED:  Back Home.  Tyra is there.

ARRIVED:  Quay Building.
 - For the Clarke - Middleton Fashion Show.
- Caridee is leading off the show.

GUEST JUDGE:  Jay Manuel.

                      NATASHA VS. JASLENE.

THE WINNER IS:  Jaslene.


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